The School is to be affiliated to Matriculation Board of School Education; Chennai The system of education is based on Samacheer Curriculum. The medium of instruction and communication in the premises is English. Proper care is taken in the teaching of English at different levels. However there is emphasis on achieving a better standard in Tamil and Hindi as well.

The School has classes from KG to XII. The School Follows the matriculation syllabus and has the limited teacher student ratio. Group wise details for XI and XII STD

1 102 Physics, Maths, Chemistry, Computer Science
2 103 Physics, Chemistry, Maths, Biology
3 302 Economics, Commerce, Accountancy, Computer Science
4 308 Economics, Commerce, Accountancy, Business Maths


The School session commences in June and finish in April next in the following schedule

Educational Scholastic

Education at our school is a combination of participation and interaction, which makes learning meaningful and enjoyable. Home assignments are not a carryover of class work but oriented towards enhancing individual talents. This includes suggested books for reading, physical and sports development, general knowledge, civic responsibilities, talent cultivation etc.


Our faculty members with their diverse educational and personal background bring to this campus a rich variety of knowledge and experience that contributes to global awareness and a better understanding of education. They share the joy of a child who has worked hard to complete a project, and the pain of a losing team. They know when to listen, when to advice and when to simply give the children time to sort through things on their own. They are Determined, Dedicated and Demonstrative.

Play School & Pre-Primary Classes:

Education is meant to prepare the citizens of tomorrow and these future citizens take up their careers under the guidance of learned teachers according to the aptitude and flair they possess. The students of nursery classes are educated in an informal way through play-way method, with the help of modern aids to develop their latent skills to help them bloom in to self-reliant individuals.

Primary & Middle Classes:

Formal education is introduced with Art, Craft, Club Activities, Music, Computers, Dance in the curriculum. The class emphasis to enable the child to express himself orally as well as in writing. The students are taught the whole aspects of life, most important facts are emphasized on and students are made to learn them before practicing them. Practical training and demonstrations will be given in all possible areas and special attention will be given in identifying the talents of students.


The School year is divided into three terms with a break at the end of each term. The School will function from Monday to Friday exclusive of other government holiday. The school commences to work with Assembly and prayer at 9.30.A.M


ForeNoon 9.00 AM TO 12.00 NOON
Lunch Break 12.00 PM TO 1.00 PM
Afternoon 1.00 PM TO 3.30 PM


ForeNoon 9.00 AM TO 12.35 PM
Lunch Break 12.35 PM TO 1.20 PM
Afternoon 1.20 PM TO 4.00 PM